3 inspiring Islamic Ways to Love Yourself

We see everyone around us promoting the ideals of self-love; love yourself, and the slogan like you come first etc. Self-love has literally become the bubble term nowadays. But you must be mindful that the conception of self-love in Islam is totally different from that of the popular main stream media. Within Islamic approach self-love isn’t something like having manicures, applying beauty creams, or having exercise etc. It is just beyond that. Remember that Islam isn’t just a religion. It’s not confined in prayers, Ibadahs and religious pilgrimages alone. It’s equally appreciative if you are regular in prayers and Ibadahs. this is really good that you avail Hajj packages to fulfill your obligatory duty to Allah (SWT).

But, dear brothers and sisters, remember that Islam is even beyond this. this is a proper way of life.  It doesn’t bind us within the boundaries of spirituality. It staunchly promotes the significance of practical life as well.

When we talk about self-love in Islam, it not only promotes the importance of exterior self but also supports the purification of the soul (Nafs).

Self-Love is within all of us

I believe that self-love is within all of us. It is something quite natural. In our everyday life we make decisions, give our opinion to others, and likewise strive to do best for ourselves, our minds and our bodies. Islam definitely encourages this notion.

3 inspiring ways to Self-Love in Islam

However, it must be noted that in our beloved religion Islam, Love yourself doesn’t always mean to put yourself first upon your fellows. It doesn’t ever mean to demean our fellows. So to clear up further what self-love is in actual terms in Islam, let’s understand the following points carefully

Have Tawwakul

Tawwakul means the firmest belief in the plans of our divine creator Allah (SWT). In simple terms it means doing your best and leaving the rest to Allah (SWT). It is the most important way of self-love or love yourself. Strive for happiness and endure pain with complete Tawwakul on Allah.

Do Muhasabah (Self-Accounting)

It is very important to cogitate on yourself. You can do this by becoming sincere to yourself. In order to do this, you must think about your everyday deeds. You must note down your actions every day and constantly try to improve yourself. This act is called Mohasabah in Arabic. Every night before going to sleep make a habit to think “Have I done something good today? Have I hurt someone today?

Have Self Confidence

After paying thanks to Allah (SWT) for this life, it is very crucial for the believers to gain self-confidence. It means believe in yourself. It is the instruction of Allah (SWT) for us that we must neither grief nor despair. Be mindful that despair comes from Satan. He never wants Allah’s apostles to say thanks to their Almighty. Very often sorrow or hopelessness leads us away from the actual purpose of our life i.e. to seek his pleasure by living according to his will.  One of the important steps of self -love is to bring light and positivity within your life. You will notice that your positivity and Tawwakul on Allah (SWT) will bring a sense of self confidence in your persona Insha Allah.

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