Digital Transformation of the World

Integration, unification, consolidation, and homogenising of digital technology connected with all business funnels, fundamentally transforming the ways that deliver values to customers. Digital transformation is also transforming the culture that requires robust syndicates to continually dare the status quo, trial and inspection, and be flexible to failures. Now we shall try to understand, what basically is digital transformation and how it is impacting the world.

Basics of Digital Transformation:

The word digital has a unique problem because its meaning is diverse like an amalgamation of the funnel steps for a business to grow for value addition. It may sound like a paperless economy, a remote employee working for an unknown employer, data analytics or artificial intelligence to someone. But the traits which are really making the change, it’s in the world of businesses by transforming them totally into virtual stores, online stores, or e-stores. Not long ago when people tended to make a list of clothing store near me but now it seems that this approach belongs to the ages. Now there are countless digital clothing store near me. So, in general, we can say that digital transformation is the process of making virtual small funnels of some gigantic process. It can be in the form of E-commerce, E-governance, E-banking and E-health care systems. 

Impacts of Digital Transformation:

Let’s start with some reports, 80% of organisations say due to digital transformation they have multiplied their profits. 85% increased their market share and on average we can expect 23% higher revenue growth annually if you pay a leeway towards digital transformation.


Businesses were on the digital track long before, retailers were making a dent in conventional and traditional buying attitudes. They were moulding the cultural norms too. But now after the pandemic, E-commerce as a whole is slicing the profit-bread into greater parts.

A lot of businesses went bankrupt during Covid, which didn’t pay any heed to the flood of digitalization. In 2019 E-commerce sales were $598 Billion and in 2020 they were $792 Billion. Total web penetration in 2019 was 15.8% and in 2020 it was 19.6%. An increase of 6.9% is seen in retail sales. That’s why now there is always a digital clothing store near me. No matter where you are or what you are doing, you can get a virtual clothing store near me.


The process of digitization is transforming the social fabric of society. Now, governments tend to offer their services on various digital platforms. Many administration and governance glitches were resolved and became faster. Technology with digital connectivity is transforming the world into a much better place.

E – Heath:

E- health care systems are an emerging field encouraged by the process of digitization. It is reflecting the revolution due to transformation in health services data and information augmented by digital technologies and the internet of things (IoT). E-health systems are much faster and more robust than in the past. 

Impacts on Culture:

Technology and culture are two interdependent forces, which influence one another. It may react in a positive or negative way depending on the culture where it is sprouting. Digitalization is profoundly transforming the experiences of society. In the past, many acts and works demanded physical presence for example buying, selling, participating, interacting, earning, governance and health care systems but now they are totally transformed.