Six super simple tips to give children a taste for reading [July 2023]

With the world of tablets, computers, and everything connected, kids today have difficulty picking up or enjoying reading. Reading allows you to discover the world differently and to be able to know a whole lot of things. Here are some tips you can try to make your children the kings of reading. It is essential to encourage them to read it rather than watch TV late at night. The earlier you have good habits, the better they will last over time or into adulthood.

Take them, book buddies.

Go to bed later if you read.

Children, especially the smallest, find it difficult to stay alone to read

The child will have to read the story aloud to his little friends, soft toys, or plastic figurines. Regardless of the nature of the book buddies, the goal is to get them to read by all means.

Have them read the book before going to see the movie

If your child wants to go to a movie or a cartoon at the cinema, have them read the book first, or there will be no exit. It is much more interesting to read the book before seeing a movie because in the book you will find a lot of details.

Read with funny voices.

When you read to the little ones who cannot read yet, use funny and different voices according to the characters; children love when we put our personal touch to a story even if they already know it. You are going to make the story come alive and much more natural to them.

Reward them with books

It is more interesting to reward your children with books, especially when they have good grades or good behaviour than with toys. Toys can be educational, but there is nothing better than a book for learning to love reading.

There are many reasons each year to give gifts to your children

For your little toddlers to become the kings of reading and enjoy it, you must take the time to encourage them to do so by all means possible. It’s up to you to have a little imagination.

Also watching Preschool learning video Link:

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