Google AdSense Gains First Party Cookie Personalization & New Blocking Controls


Google AdSense has announced support for personalization with first-party cookies and also new improvements to the blocking controls navigation.

First-Party Cookies For Personalization

Google AdSense now supports personalization with first-party cookies. Google wrote “First-party cookies for personalization help to show personalized ads to your users when third-party cookies aren’t available, which may increase your revenue.

Google added that you can only use these cookies for personalization if you’ve turned on the “Allow first-party cookies” option.”

Google also added a new control to the “Ad serving” tab in your account to let you choose whether you want to allow first-party cookies for personalization.

To configure these, you can click Brand safety and then Content and then Blocking controls and then Manage Ad serving.

The control is available from today but your choice won’t affect ad serving until November 10, 2022.

New Blocking Controls

Google AdSense also made some improvements to navigate the ad-blocking options in the Google AdSense console. Google renamed the Blocking controls page to “Brand safety” and added a new site search.

Previously, your AdSense sites were listed in the main navigation panel. Google said because many publishers have multiple sites, they have replaced the site list with an easy-to-use site search.

Google said “this change simplifies the main navigation panel and makes it easier to block ads on different sites.”

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