What is a happiness?

Happiness is a sense of well-being, joy, or contentment. When people are successful, or safe, or lucky, they feel happiness.

The “pursuit of happiness” is something this country is based on, and different people feel happiness for different reasons.

The term happiness is used in the context of mental or emotional states, including positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

It is also used in the context of life satisfaction, subjective well-being, eudaimonia, flourishing and well-being.


  • Be with others who make you smile. Studies show that we are happiest when we are around those who are also happy.
  • Hold on to your values.
  • Accept the good.
  • Imagine the best..
  • Do things you love.
  • Find purpose.
  • Listen to your heart.
  • Push yourself, not others.


  1. Get to know yourself. Take some time to sit down with your workbook and fill in your answers to these questions.
  2. Remove the negativity in your life.
  3. Use positive affirmations.
  4. Get support.
  5. Give yourself grace.
  6. Listen to what your heart really wants.
  7. Practice gratitude.

Happiness depends upon ourselves … !!!

 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Incredibly Happy:

  1. Exercise: 7 Minutes Could Be Enough.
  2. Sleep More: You’ll Be Less Sensitive to Negative Emotions.
  3. Spend More Time With Friends/Family Because Money Can’t Buy You Happiness.
  4. Get Outside More: Happiness is Maximized at 57°.
  5. Help Others As Much As You Can Because it Keeps Your Mental Health Fit.
  6. Practice Smiling: Reduce Pain, Improve Mood, Think Better.


1. Make Yourself a Priority:

If you feel good about yourself, it’ll be much easier to project that inner contentment into the world.

Here are some ways that helps you to make yourself a priority:

  • Make time for you. It’s not indulgent, it’s OK to make time for you.
  • Speak kindly to yourself.
  • Get rid of the guilt.
  • Stop saying “yes” to everyone.
  • Love the skin you’re in.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  • Let go of the things you can’t control.
  • Tell yourself you can.

 Look after yourself and make it a habit to do those little self-care things that make you feel good. It’ll make a big difference in the way you carry yourself.

2. Remember What’s Fact and What’s a Thought:

To remember something you will want to recreate the noises, place, and scenery to help remember where it happened or what happened. 

Remember what you were doing and try to go on until you don’t remember; that will give you an idea of where something is.  

3. Be Kind to Yourself:

Well for starters, being kind to yourself means not judging yourself harshly for not being perfect.

 It also means not holding yourself to impossibly high standards. And it means putting an end to comparing yourself to others and to beating yourself up for making a mistake, or for not being good enough at something.

When you’re feeling down, recognize and honor your thoughts. Try and be kind to yourself.  Whether this means reciting your favorite mantra over and over again, or making an effort to treat yourself with compassion.

Happiness is not something ready made … !!!

4. Use Positive Words:

The best words to describe yourself will be those that honestly capture your positive qualities. Saying, I’m grateful for.. I am willing to.. I’d love to learn.. etc.

Will take you a long way. The way we communicate directly impacts the energy, respect and attention we give off, so using words like love, motivated, pretty, solution, happy, secure, etc. will channel a more cheerful outlook.

5. Smile More:

Smiling helps reduce the body’s response to stress and lower heart rate in tense situations; another study linked smiling to lower blood pressure, while yet another suggests that smiling leads to longevity. It’s a small action that can make a big difference.

Smiling is good for your health in a number of ways. It can reduce stress, help heart health, lower blood pressure, and boost your immune system by decreasing cortisol in the body. A simple smile, genuine or even forced, prompts the brain to produce endorphins and serotonin, causing positive emotions.


6. Work Towards Accomplishing a Goal:

Working towards and then achieving your goals is a massive confidence booster.

Others around you will pick up on your empowerment and see that you value and believe in yourself and your dreams.

No one is perfect – that’s why pencils have erasers .. !!!

7. Give Compliments:

Showing you appreciate someone serves two purposes; it makes them and you feel good, and we all deserve those feelings.

 Start acknowledging when someone does something you admire and compliment them to create an instant boost in your mood.

8.  Live in the Moment:

Living in the present moment means no longer worrying about what happened in the past and not fearing what will happen in the future. It means enjoying what’s happening now and living for today.

 Choosing to live in the past or the future not only robs you of enjoyment today, but it also robs you of truly living.

Put your phone away when you’re grabbing lunch with a friend, or turn the TV off when you’re cooking yourself a nice meal. Distractions prevent us from living in the moment and savoring even the most seemingly mundane tasks.

Be happy with what you have,

Be excited about what you want ..!!

9. Practice Good Posture:

Good posture should actually feel relaxed and easy. When you have good posture, your bones, not your muscles, keep your body upright and balanced. Even though you’re sitting and standing straighter than you usually do, you shouldn’t feel tense or strained.

Your posture is an excellent nonverbal indication of how you feel about yourself. Stand, or sit up straight, unfold your arms, and open up your shoulders to send signals that you’re approachable.

You’re braver than you believe, and stronger

that you seem, and smarter than you think ..                                                                      

10. Be More Generous:

 Generous people are able and willing to give. They give both financially and of themselves, in a way that benefits the recipient. Their gifts may include time, money, things, and encouragement. Generous people are also able to receive in such a way that the giver gains from the interchange.

When you’re generous to those around you, you’ll nice a definite shift in the atmosphere and in the energy you attract.

11. Practice Good Faith:

 The meaning of good faith, though always based on honesty, may vary depending on the specific context in which it is used. A person is said to buy in good faith when he or she holds an honest belief in his or her right or title to the property and has no knowledge or reason to know of any defect in the title.

This isn’t about religion, it’s about knowing that the energy you give off is what you’ll attract. If someone upset you, don’t lash out. Take the time you need to calm down and constructively address it, or let step aside and refocus your attention.

Be kind when ever possible ..!!!

By admin