6 Reasons Businesses Need Video Animation

video animation

According to statistics offered by Smart Insights in relation to video marketing, more than 92% of marketers are convinced that video marketing is becoming imperative to achieving more engagement from customers. That more than 53% of customers contact a business after watching their videos on social media further supports the above statistic.

This shows how crucial it is for your to use videos to promote your brand. The good thing is that you don’t even need a considerable budget, thanks to video animation. The following 6 benefits will make you want to pick video animation for increasing customer engagement.

1. You will make a lasting impression

Customers are keen to note creativity and attention to detail when interacting with a business for the first time. Thankfully, you can use video animation to show off the creative side of your business. With the right video animation services for businesses, you can showcase your values, intentions, and purposes.

Moreover, animated videos make it easier for you to give your customer a deeper understanding of what your business is all about, and what you stand for. You can use such videos to communicate the value of your services or products to your customers.

2. Easy to understand

Animated videos are the solution you go to when you want to convey complex or more technical ideas or messages as short stories. That’s because explaining complex ideas, services, or a product in text form and/or voice-overs can be overwhelming and even vague, depending on how you do it.

3. It’s entertaining

If you want to make memorable advertisements, make them entertaining for your audience. Just like animated movies and cartoons are built on an attention-gripping foundation, so are animated videos for businesses.

Thus, your videos will serve two purposes at the same time – be engaging while being a source of entertainment for your audience. That’s why animated videos offer greater value than traditional ads.

4. Extended relevance

Animations, unlike live-action videos, age better. Since they are created based on imaginary environments, they won’t have a reflection that may prompt the viewer to seek a relationship.

Video animation uses a de-contextualized reality, allowing you to use the same video to promote your business over an extended period without losing its relevance.

5. It’s easier to update your videos

With time, your industry may change, which prompts the need to update your content to uphold its value to the viewers. Animated videos are the perfect solution to keeping your content up to date.

Live-action videos would require additional footage or even a complete re-filming process, which is not only time-consuming but also expensive. Animated videos are much simpler to update since you can always change the voice-overs, themes, and other major aspects of the video.

Even if you had to redo an animated video, it would still require lesser time and a smaller budget if you’re working with seasoned professionals.

6. Characters are trustworthy

Another major benefit of using animated videos is that the characters in the videos don’t have real lives. In live-action promotional videos, you use real actors, who are bound to make serious mistakes such as morally wrong acts.

Since the actors are tied to your brand, they would go down with a part of your brand. You will never face such a situation from the virtual actors in your animated promotion videos.

To finalize,

There’s a likelihood you will experience greater popularity and progress when you create the right videos. That alone can make the use of video animation consideration-worthy.

So get in touch with The Sketch Effect to enjoy the above-mentioned benefits and more.

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